Friday, May 16, 2008

Pickles actually lower high blood pressure?

So my cousin sends me a link to a recording of Steve Harvey's morning show. Steve has a guy on the show, Nephew Tommy, who calls random people and harasses the hell out of them for laughs. The skit is actually pretty damn funny most of the time. At any rate, Tommy calls this woman who and chastises her but the funny thing is, she's giving him just as much hell as he's giving to her.

Here's the strange part of the call. The woman said that he was raising her blood pressure and that she was going to have to go get herself a pickle! Isn't that the strangest thing you ever heard? So I looked it up and sure enough, pickles have been used since the time of Aristotle as a health aid.
But don't take my word for it. Read it yourself.

I know you're on the Internet, but this is actually real

I thought this picture was amazing. These researchers were studying great white sharks. They had floated kayaks out there and the sharks ignored them...that was until one of the researchers actually climbed into the damn thing. This picture is just amazing. I really thought that it offered a commentary on our existence on this planet.

Think about it -5/16/08

9. Retire

Fill a cup to its brim and it is easily spilled;
Temper a sword to its hardest and it is easily broken;
Amass the greatest treasure and it is easily stolen;
Claim credit and honour and you easily fall;
Retire once your purpose is achieved - this is natural.

from the Tao Te Ching -

Thursday, May 15, 2008

"It's about the softness of your bodies and the hardness of the glacier"

I don't know why I find this so ironic. Greenpeace has been searching for more exotic ways to raise awareness of global warming and other issues. This is a particularly interesting video - 600 people took their clothes off and laid down on a glacier in Switzerland. Insert joke here...

Marietta, Ga, presents a new argument for birth control

Can you believe this crap? Just when you thought that we were moving forward in this country...
Yep, that's a picture of a monkey (Curious George) holding a banana with the caption "Obama in '08". What more can I say? Let's hope that the responsible parties at Mulligan's are NOT having children. If they are parents, let's PRAY that their children don't listen to a word that their parents are saying.

Watch those condo purchases...


this article about condominiums was a real eye opener. It's really amazing how articles are written in the newspaper and they just seem to float past. Why are people more interested in the Nick Cannon/ Mariah Carey marriage than this shit? I wonder how many condos in Miami are under water at this point. This housing market is absolutely brutal.
