Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sorting Out the New Housing Market

Great article on the new housing market. The housing market has changed in a variety of ways. This article is a real eye opener about some of the dynamics that are involved in selling a house at this point.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Article about South Florida real estate market


It looks like there are going to be opportunities in the South Florida real estate market for some time. You want to consider opportunities where you can take advantage of seller financing as opposed to trying to look for a traditional loan at this time. It may make sense to consider setting up a real estate corporation and raising money for it so that we can pool resources. I will invite a friend of mine from Chicago who owns a real estate investment firm to our group. He may have some insights and guidance that can help us to position ourselves in this fluid and challenging market.

To get a barometer of the real estate market, check out the articles below. I will add more articles as I find them:



Welcome to the Blog

I created a blog so that we can talk away from our e-mail inboxes. I know that my inbox was getting kind of clogged and I was concerned that some of us might work in environments where some comments could end up getting them into trouble (you know how the conversations get some time). I created this environment to be a virtual barber shop for the brothers. You can shoot the shit, talk shit, clown one another, discuss politics, whatever. I also made it password protected so that we can keep out the snooping eyes (and no, I'm not referring to the wives ;-))

I hope it makes everyone a little more comfortable and it grows into something that we all can have fun doing.
